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netsuite python library

Make async requests to NetSuite SuiteTalk SOAP/REST Web Services and Restlets


With default features (REST API + Restlet support):

pip install netsuite

With Web Services SOAP API support:

pip install netsuite[soap_api]

With CLI support:

pip install netsuite[cli]

With orjson package (faster JSON handling):

pip install netsuite[orjson]

With all features:

pip install netsuite[all]

Programmatic use - Basic Example

import asyncio

from netsuite import NetSuite, Config, TokenAuth

config = Config(
    auth=TokenAuth(consumer_key="abc", consumer_secret="123", token_id="xyz", token_secret="456"),

ns = NetSuite(config)

async def async_main():
    rest_api_results = await ns.rest_api.get("/record/v1/salesOrder")

    restlet_results = await ns.restlet.get(987, deploy=2)

    # NOTE: SOAP needs `pip install netsuite[soap_api]`
    soap_api_results = await ns.soap_api.getList('customer', internalIds=[1337])

    # Multiple requests, using the same underlying connection
    async with ns.soap_api:
        customers = await ns.soap_api.getList('customer', internalIds=[1, 2, 3])
        sales_orders = await ns.soap_api.getList('salesOrder', internalIds=[1, 2])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Programmatic use - Search Object by Custom Field Value

import asyncio
import zeep.helpers

from netsuite import NetSuite, Config, TokenAuth

config = Config(
    auth=TokenAuth(consumer_key="abc", consumer_secret="123", token_id="xyz", token_secret="456"),

ns = NetSuite(config)

async def async_main() -> dict:
    SearchStringCustomField = ns.soap_api.Core.SearchStringCustomField
    search_string_custom_field = SearchStringCustomField(
        scriptId='**CUSTOM_FIELD_ID**',  # Replace with a custom field ID
        searchValue='**TEST_VALUE**'  # Replace with any string value
    SearchCustomFieldList = ns.soap_api.Core.SearchCustomFieldList
    search_custom_field_list = SearchCustomFieldList(customField=[search_string_custom_field])
    SearchBasic = ns.soap_api.Common.TransactionSearchBasic  # Performing a Transaction Object Search
    Search = ns.soap_api.Sales.TransactionSearch  # Performing a Transaction Object Search
    search_basic = SearchBasic(customFieldList=search_custom_field_list)
    record = Search(basic=search_basic)
    response = await
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(response)  # Return the data as a dict

if __name__ == "__main__":

Programmatic use - Search Object by Custom Field Value - REST API

import asyncio

from netsuite import NetSuite, Config, TokenAuth

config = Config(
    auth=TokenAuth(consumer_key="abc", consumer_secret="123", token_id="xyz", token_secret="456"),

ns = NetSuite(config)

async def async_main() -> dict:
    customer_keyword = 'Test Customer'
    query_params = {'q':f'Name CONTAIN "{customer_keyword}"'}
    rest_api_results = await ns.rest_api.get("/record/v1/customer", params=query_params)

    if __name__ == "__main__":



To use the command line utilities you must add a config file with a section in this format:

auth_type = token
account = 123456
consumer_key = 789123
consumer_secret = 456789
token_id = 012345
token_secret = 678901

You can add multiple sections like this. The netsuite section will be read by default, but can be overridden using the -c flag.

The default location that will be read is ~/.config/netsuite.ini. This can overriden with the -p flag.

Alternatively, you can source configuration from your environment variables instead (pairs well with direnv):


And using the --config-environment flag when loading the CLI.

Append --help to the commands to see full documentation.

rest-api - Make requests to NetSuite REST API

See the NetSuite help center for info on how to use the REST API. The netsuite rest-api openapi-serve command is also a big help.

netsuite rest-api get

List endpoint examples:

$ netsuite rest-api get /record/v1/customer
$ netsuite rest-api get /record/v1/invoice --limit 10 --offset 30
$ netsuite rest-api get /record/v1/salesOrder --query 'email IS ""'

Detail endpoint examples:

$ netsuite rest-api get /record/v1/salesOrder/1337
$ netsuite rest-api get /record/v1/invoice/123 --expandSubResources

netsuite rest-api post


$ cat ~/customer-no-1-data.json | netsuite rest-api post /record/v1/customer -

netsuite rest-api put


$ cat ~/customer-no-1-data.json | netsuite rest-api put /record/v1/customer/123 -

netsuite rest-api patch


$ cat ~/changed-customer-data.json | netsuite rest-api patch /record/v1/customer/123 -

netsuite rest-api delete


$ netsuite rest-api delete /record/v1/customer/123

netsuite rest-api jsonschema


$ netsuite rest-api jsonschema salesOrder

netsuite rest-api openapi


$ netsuite rest-api openapi salesOrder customer invoice
{"openapi":"3.0.1","info":{"title":"NetSuite REST Record API"...

netsuite rest-api openapi-serve

Start a server that fetches and lists the OpenAPI spec for the given record types, using Swagger UI. Defaults to port 8000.


$ netsuite rest-api openapi-serve customer salesOrder
INFO:netsuite:Fetching OpenAPI spec for record types customer, salesOrder...
INFO:netsuite:NetSuite REST API docs available at

It's also possible to fetch the OpenAPI spec for all known record types. This will however take a long time (60+ seconds).

$ netsuite rest-api openapi-serve
WARNING:netsuite:Fetching OpenAPI spec for ALL known record types... This will take a long time! (Consider providing only the record types of interest by passing their names to this command as positional arguments)
INFO:netsuite:NetSuite REST API docs available at

interact - Interact with SOAP/REST web services and restlets

Starts an IPython REPL where you can interact with the client.

$ netsuite interact
Welcome to Netsuite WS client interactive mode
Available vars:
    `ns` - NetSuite client

Example usage:
    soap_api_results = ns.soap_api.getList('customer', internalIds=[1337])
    rest_api_results = await ns.rest_api.get("/record/v1/salesOrder")
    restlet_results = await ns.restlet.get(987, deploy=2)

In [1]: rest_api_results = await ns.rest_api.get("

restlet - Make requests to restlets

$ echo '{"savedSearchId": 987}' | netsuite restlet 123 -


To run the tests, do:

  1. Install Poetry (
  2. Install dependencies poetry install --extras all
  3. Run tests: poetry run pytest

Before committing and publishing a pull request, do:

  1. Install pre-commit globally: pip install pre-commit
  2. Run pre-commit install to install the Git hook

pre-commit will ensure that all code is formatted per our conventions. Failing to run this will probably make the CI tests fail in the PR instead.